
Hammer elm Learn more about Hammer elm

  • Bonsai production technology of hammer elm stump

    Bonsai production technology of hammer elm stump

    The trunk of hammer elm is straight, the crown is round and plump, the leaf is smaller than ordinary white elm, but it is very dense, and the effect of being a landscape tree and a street tree is very good. It is just that in the past, people did not know enough about it, only regarded it as bonsai material, and did not pay attention to its application in landscaping. At present, pumpkin elm

  • How to maintain the bonsai of hammer elm

    How to maintain the bonsai of hammer elm

    The dried elm is slightly curved, the bark is mottled and elegant, the twigs are graceful, and the autumn leaves turn red. It is a good ornamental tree and factory greening, greening tree species on all sides, often planted alone into a scene, suitable for planting near the pond and pavilions, but also between mountains and rocks, but there are more diseases and insect pests. It has strong sprouting power and is a good material for making bonsai. The tree is graceful

  • Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Elm is also called small leaf elm, belonging to deciduous trees, up to 25 meters tall, elm crown is generally round, its bark is gray or brown, when the winter dry season, elm leaves will turn yellow or red, until the next spring when new leaves begin to grow

  • The method of making bonsai of hammer elm

    The method of making bonsai of hammer elm

    The original tall and big tree species into bonsai display at home, can add a stable and generous living, but also can increase a lot of family style, nut elm bonsai of course also has this effect, let's take a look at how to make a pot of nut elm pile bonsai. Selection of pots: glazed pottery pots are generally suitable for hammer elm pile scenes.

  • Appreciation of bonsai pictures of hammer elm

    Appreciation of bonsai pictures of hammer elm

    English name: hammer elm alias: small leaf elm Latin scientific name: UlmusparvifoliaJacq. Family and genus: Ulmus pumila is considered to be a good material for making bonsai because of its beautiful tree shape, chic posture and fine branches and leaves, so nut elm bonsai is also popular with bonsai lovers.

  • Is the elm evergreen or deciduous?

    Is the elm evergreen or deciduous?

    Ulmus pumila is a common tree species, its trees can be used as industrial wood, roots, bark, tender leaves have the effect of detumescence and pain, detoxification and fever, so is Ulmus pumila evergreen or deciduous plants? Is the elm evergreen or deciduous? Hammer elm

    2020-11-08 Hammer elm yes evergreen or deciduous plant hammer elm a kind of
  • How to cultivate bonsai elm? Cultivation techniques of bonsai pumpkin elm

    How to cultivate bonsai elm? Cultivation techniques of bonsai pumpkin elm

    Bonsai is the best choice for courtyard decoration. according to the editor, many tree species can make bonsai, among which elm is very suitable for bonsai in the garden. Today, the editor will share with you the cultivation skills of bonsai elm.

  • Modeling method of Lang Elm Bonsai

    Modeling method of Lang Elm Bonsai

    When buying nut elm bonsai, you must look at the pile carefully. The more fresh the pile billet is, the better. Don't think that the decaying pile has more charm, and some even the root system is not growing well. Novices should let the nut elm survive first and do the modeling slowly. The processing and modeling of elm can be carried out by the combination of pruning and climbing.

  • How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm

    How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm

    Many bonsai friends buy bonsai, but do not know how to raise bonsai. Although bonsai of nut elm is easy to raise, the survival rate of its downhill pile is not high, especially on the balcony. Some flower friends have summed up some key points of bonsai conservation according to their own years of experience. I hope it can be helpful to flower friends.

  • Selection and cultivation of bonsai of Ulmus pumila

    Selection and cultivation of bonsai of Ulmus pumila

    Hammer elm is small leaf elm, but not elm, its shape is more elegant, the biggest feature is bark and trunk mottled, autumn leaves will change color, belong to deciduous trees, casually very easy to raise, but not very suitable for beginners! Its horticultural varieties are full of diseases and insect pests, but it doesn't stop people from liking it.

  • Why are bonsai so expensive? just look at these shapes.

    Why are bonsai so expensive? just look at these shapes.

    Bonsai, worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, are expensive in tree species, years and, most importantly, in shape. The shape of bonsai is ever-changing, each faction has its own advantages, let the editor take you to see all kinds of strange bonsai.

  • How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm? how much is the price?

    How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm? how much is the price?

    Hammer elm is very suitable for bonsai, it is very good-looking, as soon as you see it, there is a classical charm inside, how to raise bonsai? How much does it cost per pot? How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm: hammer elm is lobular elm, but not elm, its shape is more elegant.

  • The production and maintenance of peat elm bonsai

    The production and maintenance of peat elm bonsai

    The production and maintenance of peat elm bonsai

  • How to cultivate Elm Bonsai making of Elm Bonsai

    How to cultivate Elm Bonsai making of Elm Bonsai

    How to cultivate Elm Bonsai making of Elm Bonsai

  • Can elm trees in the countryside make bonsai?

    Can elm trees in the countryside make bonsai?

    In the vast rural areas of our country, elm trees can often be seen everywhere, giving people the impression of being tall, straight and luxuriant. On the other hand, elm trees are often planted on both sides of the road as street trees, and their tall figure brings broad shade, especially in the hot summer, which brings some shelter for people to travel.

  • Knowledge of bonsai production, cultivation and maintenance of elm pine

    Knowledge of bonsai production, cultivation and maintenance of elm pine

    Elm trees are distributed all over China, generally transplanting in the dormant period in winter and spring, especially in February and March before germination, the highest survival rate is Ulmaceae and Ulmus deciduous trees, the trunk is gray or grayish brown, and the leaves are oval to oblong. There are irregular single-serrated edges. It has many varieties.

  • What's the nickname of the elm? What is the culture method of bonsai?

    What's the nickname of the elm? What is the culture method of bonsai?

    Ulmus pumila is a kind of plant with beautiful shape and fine branches and leaves, which can be matched with rockery stones to make bonsai. Ulmus pumila is also a good greening tree species, its wood is solid and can be used as industrial material. The stem bark of Ulmus pumila is very resilient and is human.

    2020-11-08 Hammer elm of don't name what bonsai breeding method is
  • Pruning method of Elm Bonsai

    Pruning method of Elm Bonsai

    Elm bonsai is more and more popular in recent years, because elm bonsai not only has ornamental value, but also can help purify the air, and can reflect high-grade interest in life, so people of different ages have cultivated elm bonsai. The editor will introduce to you the method of making elm bonsai.

  • Silent Poetry and three-dimensional painting-- Bonsai Art Stamps

    Silent Poetry and three-dimensional painting-- Bonsai Art Stamps

    Bonsai art is a traditional Chinese decoration craft. The use of thousands of miles away, shrinking dragons into rain art, in a small basin to cultivate trees, rocks and other natural scenery, hence the name "bonsai". Bonsai is through the cultivation of certain flowers in flowerpots.

  • The advantages of making bonsai with elm trees

    The advantages of making bonsai with elm trees

    In addition to introducing the conservation of elm bonsai, the editor also wants to explain why elm bonsai is loved by the general public. The reason why many people choose elm bonsai is that elm is a very ordinary tree species, which is easier to adopt in the mountains. And the branches, leaves and stems of elm have ornamental value.
